Wednesday, May 3, 2023

Introducing LOFTY TIPS!

Since The Homeschool Loft officially opened its doors - on May 6, 2021 - to serve the homeschooling community in Northeastern Wisconsin and beyond, we've continually sought ways to encourage and empower those whom God brings across our path. To date, we've done that through several dozen one-on-one consultations, a curriculum-viewing library and podcast, periodic workshops and events, book clubs for moms and families, partnering with local homeschool groups and community organizations, family movie events, monthly meet-ups, our Facebook page, and a monthly newsletter.

As we transitioned in early April 2023, to a new phase - one of our founding partners, Jenny, left to pursue a different endeavor, and we vacated our original physical location in downtown DePere - we paused podcast production and packed up the library (at least for now), and the book clubs have transferred over to Jenny's purview. But we continue with all our other activities...and we're adding this blog - LOFTY TIPS - to our menu of options!

We'll post here at least once a month, when we re-share the feature article we're adding to the newsletter beginning with our June edition. Articles will be written by Tina, our ministry partner Chris Yaeger (a.k.a., "Christy the Speech Lady"), and occasional guest contributors. We may also post other pieces in between newsletter editions, all with the goal of providing you with practical, helpful tips and ideas to bless your work as a homeschooling parent. 

Keep an eye out for new posts via the BLOG tab on the website and our shares on social media. And don't hesitate to reach out with suggestions for future articles. Since we're here to serve you, your input is invaluable!